It’s a simple marketplace phenomenon.
- Step 1
- A company (client) chooses a contractor to hire employees on their behalf.
- Step 2
- The contractor posts the jobs on the portal and mentions the desired job period and competencies required.
- Step 3
- Our sophisticated technology & the contractors match the desired period job seekers with the job posted.
- Step 4
- The contractor sets up an interview with the candidate for the perspective selection.
- Step 5
- The candidate gets hired on the contractor’s payroll. The candidate's compensation & benefits are processed and managed by the contractor.
- Step 6
- The candidate starts working in the client’s workplace for the selected time period.
- Step 7
- The candidate finishes the job period successfully, then opts for rehiring in the same/new contractual job or moves on to enjoy the rest of the year travelling or rejuvenating.