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DBA Postgre Sql

Client: xpressbees

Job Details

Job Description

Reliable databases as per our company’s need. You will be responsible for developing, testing, improving, and maintaining new and existing databases to help retrieve data effectively.

As part of our team, you will work closely with developers to ensure system consistency.

Required skills:

  1. Setup, configure, manage & monitor database clusters with master, slave configurations, failover.
  2. Cost optimization of Amazon instances using databases.
  3. Optimize database queries and ensure to table locking/deadlocks happen in production.
  4. Create and maintain database tables, views, indexes and triggers.
  5. Develop and maintain stored procedures.
  6. Knowledge of database design principles, query optimization, index management, integrity checks, statistics and isolation levels.
  7. Experience in migration from SQL Server to Postgres.

Key Skills